Edge has been an industry game-changer for the laser tag industry with unparalleled game control. Our vast software suite empowers you to create amazing games, easily manage the experience, and market your business to keep players coming back for more.

Create as many game types as your heart desires and save them as a preset. Then simply select that game from the drop down and you are good to go.
Allow players to level up with customizable settings that fit your style of business.
By leveling up your customers unlock new content and rewards that brings them back for more.
Upsell your customers special character classes and weapons to enhance their game and your bottom line.
Players can now earn and track medals they get while playing each game.
Need to power lights, smoke, or moving props? Edge can do it!
Show player and game scores in real time during and after the game with our game history tool.
Players can track their progress, see their unlocks, and open special loot boxes
Interact with customers in new ways using the power of social media
Manually send or Automatic emails to bring your customers back
Add, remove, or edit players before and during the game
Call of Duty-style kill strikes and abilities like power weapons, missiles, air strikes, & care packages.
Want to create live actor shooting experience and funnel people through? This can be done in our all new Arcade mode.
Add special rules and settings and get even more creative with your game modes.
Our sound settings allow you to attach a unique sound track to each game mode and play it over your sound system
Not only can you create unlimited game types but you can also create unique player type and assign them to a game with certain attributes and weapons.
When players get a kill they know it through in-game feedback.

Edge unparalleled game control found no other place in laser tag. It helps operators create and sculpt even the most complex game types while keeping them easy to run. EDGE comes preset with a few defaults: 35 game modes, 90+ weapon created in the new weapons tool, 15 abilities, and 9 melee weapons. Each and every one is customizable for your needs. If that isn’t enough you can created and save an unlimited number of your own games and weapons.

EDGE Terminal is a custom-designed application built for Tablets that give you and your staff freedom and control over the entire battlefield.

This revolutionary smartphone application allows players to use their phone as a heads-up display, view their stats in and outside of games, view their personal medals, level up, and unlock and redeem custom rewards! Imagine the possibilities.
Available on Google Play and iOS